Six departments interviewed major online car-hailing platform companies, and Hitch must strictly adhere to the safety bottom line

  CCTV News:Yesterday (11th), the Ministry of Transport, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Emergency Management, and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly interviewed 8 online ride-hailing platform companies such as Didi Chuxing, Shouqi Car, and Shenzhou Youche in the name of the Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office for Coordinated Supervision of New Business Forms of Transportation.

  The Ministry of Transport said that this is a reminder interview, and the main online car-hailing and ride-hailing platforms have refined the rectification measures against the list of problems and rectification lists reported by the joint safety inspection in 2018, which has achieved phased results, but still needs to be continued.

  The interview proposed to further accelerate the pace of online car-hailing compliance, remove unqualified personnel and vehicles, and strictly prohibit the dispatch of vehicles and drivers without business qualifications, and carry out operations in accordance with laws and regulations to ensure the safety and legitimate rights and interests of passengers.

  Some aggregation platforms have recently encountered new problems such as access to non-compliant ride-hailing platform companies, vehicles and drivers, engaging in illegal ride-hailing operations in the name of "aggregation". Aggregation platforms should strengthen the review and verification of the business qualifications of connected ride-hailing platform companies.

  In addition, it is necessary to resolutely implement the main responsibility of enterprise stability maintenance, do a good job in the management of offline vehicles and personnel, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of drivers.

  The interview also put forward relevant work requirements for each platform company on cyber security, personal information protection, road traffic safety management, public safety risk prevention, online car-hailing price behavior and market competition behavior.

  Regarding Hitch, the Ministry of Transport and other six departments said that Hitch is a travel mode that reflects the sharing economy in the urban transportation field, which is conducive to alleviating traffic congestion and reducing air pollution. However, platform companies engaged in Hitch must strictly abide by the relevant regulations on Hitch management. Relevant platform companies must strictly abide by the safety bottom line, do a good job of reviewing and dynamically monitoring the technical performance of online vehicles and the background of drivers, and protect the personal privacy of users. At the same time, establish and improve the rapid response processing mechanism for passengers, deal with emergencies in a timely and effective manner, and the platform company shall bear the responsibility for compensation in advance for safety accidents. Hitch must release travel information in advance on the premise of the driver’s own travel needs, and select the shared vehicle by the fit passengers with the same travel route. The hitchhiking behavior must not be for profit, but only share part of the travel cost or free mutual assistance with the passengers. It is strictly forbidden to engage in illegal operations in the name of hitchhiking, and there must be a certain limit on the number of shared rides per car per day.

  The interviewed online car-hailing platform said that it will strictly follow the requirements put forward in this interview, improve the enterprise system, make changes according to the problem, and operate in accordance with laws and regulations to eliminate hidden dangers of safety and stability.

Hot search first! Brother Yang responded overnight

On the evening of January 19

"Wang Hai reported that Brother Yang brought fake Wuchang rice"

Related topics are hot on multiple platforms

On the evening of the same day, Wang Hai, a well-known anti-counterfeiter, released Weibo, reporting that Crazy Brother Yang brought 900,000 single fake Wuchang rice. Wang Hai said: "After inspection, the genetic similarity between Brother Yang’s Wuchang rice and Dahuaxiang No. 2 is only 71.16%. The conclusion is that there are different varieties, and the real hammer is shoddy. The GB/T19266 marked on Brother Yang’s rice packaging belongs to the food safety standard. Consumers who buy it can ask for a refund of one to ten with a starting price of 1,000 yuan."

It is worth noting that the official Douyin account of the China Food Safety Network "Food Safety China" also released a video titled "Crazy Brother Yang’s Wuchang Rice with Fake", which states that "the comprehensive cost of Dahuaxiang No. 2 is about 9 yuan, while the e-commerce platform shows that the so-called Dahuaxiang No. 2 rice recommended by Brother Yang with the goods is about 6 yuan per kilogram. After the reporter purchased the product at the Shifenwan Beauty flagship store for inspection, the genetic similarity between the rice DNA fingerprint of this rice and the standard sample of Dahuaxiang No. 2 was only 71.16%, which was determined to be different varieties."

That night, the account of "Crazy Little Yang Pot (Three Sheep) " certified as an authorized account of @Crazy Little Yang posted a rumor-refuting video in which Brother Yang said, "When it wasn’t them, you said that some people made a mistake, and the media immediately made a mistake. You have to rely on the facts, they have never sold this rice."

It is worth noting that, according to Nandu Weekly, on January 18, Wang Hai posted on Weibo that a product called "TiQ Tianqi prune juice" shipped by Dongfang Selection was found to have laxative ingredients. According to the information provided by Wang Hai, the product claimed to be imported into the United States, and the distributor was Zhengzhou Maihui Trading Co., Ltd.

On January 19, Dongfang Selection customer service responded that it had reported the matter to the relevant departments for processing. The customer service of the official flagship store of the product brand TiQ said that the report commissioned by the dealer showed that the product was only prunes and did not contain any additions. If you have any questions about this report, you can directly contact the relevant departments and agencies to check.

Wang Hai said that last year, consumers reported to them that they had diarrhea symptoms after buying this prune juice and eating it, and consumers suspected that diarrhea drugs were added to the product. So, starting in August 2023, Wang Hai ordered 10 packs of "TiQ Tianqi prune juice" from the live stream of Douyin Oriental Selection, and sent some samples for inspection in the same month. Screenshots of payment show that he ordered 10 packs of prune juice at the flagship store of TiQ Light Food, costing a total of 188 yuan. The product was also marked "recommended by Oriental Selection".

Wang Hai said that in addition to Dongfang Selection, Crazy Brother Yang, Sister Mao Mao and other live streaming hosts have also brought goods to this product. Wang Hai also ordered the product in the live stream of the aforementioned live streaming host and sent it for inspection. The samples that have been tested show that the samples were found to contain sennoside A and sennoside B. The remaining dozens of bags of samples are still being tested and re-inspected. Wang Hai said that at the beginning of this year, they directly reported the matter to the product distributor and the territorial market supervision bureau of Dongfang Selection. At present, the market supervision bureau has not responded to the report.

According to Poster News, in 2000, after encountering the Jinmen incident and the turmoil in Nanning, Wang Hai chose to withdraw from the center of public opinion and the public eye. After disappearing for many years and making a comeback, he aimed at the live stream with goods.

Wang Hai said in an interview that the more goods you bring, the greater the chance of "rollover", because the live streaming host is basically "separated from delivery", that is, the delivery and delivery are separated. When selecting products, the merchant may get the live streaming host or send it for testing. But what consumers receive after buying is not the sample displayed in the live stream, and the live streaming host will not go to the warehouse to stare at the delivery.

"We definitely hope to maximize social benefits when we do things, because large traffic also means more consumers who are deceived. With limited resources, we can only hit the top live streaming host first."

Original title: "Hot search first! Brother Yang responded overnight"

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Xiaomi responded to the future model plan: MPV models are confidential, but off-road models will not be done for the time being.

On April 18th, news came that this afternoon, Lei Jun started a live broadcast in Tik Tok. When asked by netizens, "When MPV models will be made in the future", Lei Jun replied that it was confidential.

Later, the netizen asked "when off-road vehicles will be made in the future", and Lei Jun said that off-road vehicles will not be made for the time being.

Previously, many media reported that Xiaomi Automobile will launch MPV models later.